Working with the TRANSFORM menu: Propagation and Transformations

The following options of the TRANSFORM menu regroup all the ARCAD Transformer Field operations concerning propagation and transformation.

It is divided into several parts as indicated in the table(s) below:

Current environment

Options to configure Transformer: Current environment
Option ARCAD Command
Re-initialize the current environment AINZCURENV
Display the current environment ADSPCURENV

These options allow you to enter an open version (and to verify the current version) before starting the propagation, modification and application functions in ARCAD Transformer Field.

Configure the propagation

Options to configure Transformer: Propagation
Option ARCAD Command
Work with propagation types AWRKPRPTYP
Work with standard routines AWRKSTDRTN

Configure ARCAD Transformer Field using these two screens. For it to adapt to the propagation and/or automatic modifications, you require:

Options for propagation and modifications
Automatic Propagation and Transformation ARCAD command
Generate field names added to PF files ACVTDBFFLD
Automatic modifications in the PF file's DDS ACVTDBFFLD
Automatic propagation and modification of programs ACVTPGMFLD
Automatic modification of DSPF/PRTF DDS ACVTDDSFLD
Work with transformer changes AWRKFRMCHG
Print propagation impact analysis APRTFRMCHG
Display derived fields of propagation ADSPDRVFLD
Update the list of propagation limiters ASETPRPSTP

Here are two lists where you can find the 3 automatic transformation and propagation engines:

  • List of fields impacted in the programs - LSTDRVFLD
  • List of DB fields and DSPF/PRTF fields to be impacted - LSTDDSFLD

If you carry out a propagation without modifications, you will only start the ACVTPGMFLD (in steps 1 and 2). Then:

  • AWRKFRMCHG will allow you to visualize the impacted components and the line details.
  • APRTFRMCHG will allow you to print the impact analysis.
  • ADSPDRVFLD will allow you to display the derived fields and especially, to go back through the propagation.
  • ASETPRPSTP will allow you to set the propagation stoppers.

Lastly, you can visualize the two lists resulting from the propagation (LSTDRVFLD and LSTDDSFLD).